CfP: The Sixties and the education of the architect: International Perspectives. Paris, 15-16 May 2018

Call for Papers: The Sixties and the education of the architect: International Perspectives. Paris 15-16 May 2018

Cité de l’architecture, Paris and Ensa Paris-Malaquais

This international conference accompanies the exhibition May 68, Architecture Also which will be held at the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, from 14 May to 17 October 2018 (Caroline Maniaque, Eléonore Marantz, Jean-Louis Violeau, curators). The aim is to investigate from an international perspective how architecture was taught in the 1960s and 1970s. This is a period that in France and in many other countries in the West, was marked by radical institutional upheaval and social, political and pedagogic changes.
The full call for papers with the suggested topics and other information can be accessed here.
Abstracts of 250 words, specifying the title, the sources, and the main points of the arguments, some keywords reflecting the subject, and a short personal resumé of 100 words (including your name, telephone contact number, email and institutional affiliation) can be sent by 12 January 2018 to and

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