EVENT: Laboratorio Nervi Summer School 2018: Knowledge, restoration and valorization of twentieth century architecture. Critical, structural, technological aspects. Lecco (Italy) 20–25 July 2018
Lecco, Politecnico di Milano Campus
The Lecco Campus of the Politecnico di Milano welcomes this year the first SUMMER SCHOOL of the LABORATORIO NERVI. Inspired by the work of the great Italian designer and builder PIER LUIGI NERVI (Sondrio, 21 June 1891 – Rome, 9 January 1979), the Laboratorio Nervi is being developed as a centre for study and analysis on the great issues of knowledge and conservation as well as restoration and valorisation of the twentieth century architecture. As for 2018, the Laboratorio Nervi Summer School will explore all these themes focusing on the critical, structural and techno-logical aspects, within the framework of the European year of cultural heritage.
More information and registration are available here.
Contacts – Executive Coordinator
Mrs. Elisabetta Margiotta Nervi – Pier Luigi Nervi Project Association
Mobile: +32 494 379096
Organisational Secretariat
Mrs Anna Magri – CTE Collegio dei Tecnici della Industrializzazione Edilizia
via G. Zanella, 36_20133 Milano
Phone: +39 02 36558834
Mobile: +39 347 2235773
Promoted and organised by:
Politecnico Milano 1863 – Polo territoriale di Lecco Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Implemented by:
P.L. Nervi Project Association
Do.Co.Mo.Mo. Italy
In cooperation with:
CTE – Collegio dei Tecnici della Industrializzazione Edilizia
Ordine degli Ingegneri di Lecco FIB – International Federation for Structural Concrete.