JOB: Reader/Chair in Architectural History and Theory. Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture

JOB: Reader/Chair in Architectural History and Theory. Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture

The Welsh School of Architecture is recruiting a Reader or Chair in Architectural History and Theory into this thriving environment to build on existing strengths and cultivate research excellence in Architectural History and Theory.
Based in the School of Architecture and reporting to the Head of School, the Reader/Chair in Architectural History and Theory will provide leadership to a team of lecturers and tutors in Architectural History and Theory. You will help to ensure that teaching and research in Cardiff in this area is world-class, working with the head of school on the delivery of strategic objectives. You will be required to conduct funded research, to carry out high-quality, research-led teaching at postgraduate level, produce world-leading and high impact publications, develop research proposals and participate in school administration, strategy and governance.
You will be an internationally recognised researcher in Architectural History and Theory with a strong portfolio that may include design work, exhibitions, academic research and publications (that should be REF-rated as 3* or 4*) and an extensive track record. You will have experience of teaching at undergraduate and post-graduate levels, of course leadership and team management related to research and or teaching, and of balancing a range of responsibilities across teaching, research, recruitment and income generation. This is an exciting opportunity to build and strengthen a research field within a well-established and internationally recognised department and university.
The post is open-ended and full-time (35 hours per week).
For informal enquiries about the post please contact Professor Chris Tweed (Head of School) or Catherine Parker (PA to Head of School)
Closing date: Saturday, 21 July 2018
More information about this post is available here.
To apply online follow this link.

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