CfP: Digital cultural heritage: Future Visions, a landscape perspective. Shanghai, 23-24 November 2019

Call for Papers: Digital cultural heritage: Future Visions, a landscape perspective. Shanghai, 23-24 November 2019

There has been significant interest in both digital heritage and cultural landscapes over recent years. The junction between the two, however, remains essentially under-explored. Digital technologies can improve conservation documentation and preservation techniques, enhance interpretation with interactive media, enrich archives with sensory experiences and augment histories with crowdsourced data. Cultural landscapes can epitomise the nexus between cultural and natural heritage, acknowledge significant human interaction with environments, and recognise enduring intercultural dialogue across space, time and societies. Yet both can also provoke questions about authenticity, ownership and value, and challenge the concept of ‘living heritage’ and the sustainability of heritage values.
This conference seeks to explore the implications and theoretical challenges of digital technologies for cultural landscapes. The conference will focus less on descriptive projects and more on how digital technologies can contribute to debates about the relationship between the cultural and natural past, present and future. The conference will focus on the emerging disciplines of digital cultural heritage and the established practice of heritage management, providing a platform for critical debate between those developing and applying innovative digital technology, and those seeking to integrated best practice into the preservation, presentation and sustainable management of historic cultural landscapes.
The conference welcomes academics and practitioners from diverse disciplinary perspectives including architecture and landscape architecture, archaeology, anthropology, philosophy, geography, education, ethnology, geography, heritage, history, media and museum studies, tourism, sociology and urban studies. The conference organizers particularly encourage papers that examine the challenges of digitising tangible and intangible cultural heritage across space, time and society, and across disciplines, medias and scales. The conference also welcomes papers that address the theoretical challenges posed by digital cultural heritage, particularly in relation to cultural landscapes and cultural routes.
Venue. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, 1239 Siping Road, Shanghai, China.
Submission details. Abstracts of no more than 300 English words or 500 Chinese characters must be submitted by Monday, 1 April 2019. Please submit abstracts to the following:
· For abstracts in Chinese: Dr Chen Yang at
· For abstracts in English: Associate Professor Chris Landorf at
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Organising Committee and a response provided by Monday, 29 April 2019. Authors of accepted abstracts will be invited to submit full papers for publication in peer reviewed proceedings. Accepted papers will be published after the conference.
For Chinese questions, please contact Dr Chen Yang at
For English questions, please contact Associate Professor Chris Landorf at
More information can be found on the conference website and the full call for papers is also available here.

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