JOB: Call for Nominations for Editor of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, JSAH

JOB: Call for Nominations for Editor of the Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, JSAH

SAH invites nominations and self-nominations for the next Editor of JSAH to serve a three-year term: 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2022. In addition, the Editor is expected to serve as JSAH Editor Designate beginning January 2020.
The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, JSAH, is a quarterly, blind-peer reviewed international journal devoted to all aspects of the history of the global built environment and spatial practice, including architecture, landscape architecture, urbanism, and city planning. Published since 1941, JSAH has defined the field of architectural history, and is a pioneer in digital publication.
In 2021 SAH will celebrate the 80th year of the Journal’s publication. Articles published in JSAH are historically rigorous, conceptually sophisticated, and theoretically innovative. The JSAH Editor will be responsible for the content and focus of the journal, which is published simultaneously in print and electronic formats (JSAH online).
SAH seeks an Editor who will embrace a broad view of architectural history as described above. The Editor will review submitted manuscripts, secure blind peer reviews of submitted manuscripts, communicate decisions to authors, solicit content, and prepare material for four issues per year. The Editor is responsible for final decisions regarding content and focus of the journal; design is coordinated with staff at the University of California Press.
The full call is accessible here.
Nominations deadline: 8 April 2019

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