Courses: Raphael and Architecture. Rome and Florence, 4-7 June 2019
Palladio museum in collaboration with the Vatican Museums and the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
Not everyone knows that Raphael was also a great architect. In a letter to Pope Leo X (written with his friend Baldassarre Castiglione) and through his buildings and projects, he radically changed architectural design, the study of the antique and the forms and decoration of modern architecture.
As preparation for the staging of a Raphael exhibition in autumn 2020, this seminar offers the opportunity to visit his architectural masterpieces and to admire his painted architecture in Rome, as well as the corpus of his architectural drawings, now in the Uffizi Prints and Drawings Cabinet, Florence.
The draft programme of the course and information about the admission is available here.