JOB: Assistant Professor of Architectural Research + Design, Tenure Track. University of Utah, College of Architecture + Planning

Job: Assistant Professor of Architectural Research + Design, Tenure Track. University of Utah, College of Architecture + Planning

The School of Architecture (SoA) within the University of Utah’s College of Architecture + Planning invites applications for an Assistant Professor position (tenure‐line) in architectural research and design (studio). This position will be a nine‐month appointment (1.0 FTE) to begin on 1 July 2020.
The School offers an accredited Master of Architecture degree as well as both a Bachelor and a Master of Science in Architectural Studies and graduate certificates in Historic Preservation and Urban Design. The School also houses our Multi‐disciplinary Design program, which offers a Bachelor of Science in Design. In the last two years, we have created a new curriculum for the SoA. This curriculum interrogates the role of architecture and the responsibility of the architect in the construction of community. The School is committed to teaching the practices of agency, creative critical thinking, community engagement, design excellence, ecological resilience, global citizenship, leadership/collaboration, risk taking/exploration, and social equity. Our work is interdisciplinary and integrated, borrowing from an array of fields including critical cultural theories, ecological systems theory, environmental justice, ethnography, law, literature, and public policy. The School is known as champions of place‐based engagement (including Design‐Build BLUFF and Design‐Build Salt Lake), social justice, and environmental stewardship.
The School has taken on the role of convener of critical conversations, hosting multiple national conferences, fostering community dialogues, publishing the critical journal Dialectic, and serving as a test bed for ideas on the university campus. We are risk takers and innovators, and we do so driven by our ethic of care, which underlies all we do in our teaching, scholarship and service.
Integrated Research and Design Curriculum
The School is driven to create an inclusive school of architecture in which we collectively explore research methodologies that will give our students the ability to become critical, reflective citizens and activists in their lives and their architectural practices. In order to accomplish this goal we have developed a sequence of immersive design studios with integrated research courses building up from bachelor to master to a capstone experience of a student‐driven individual design project prepared and supported by architectural research. In foundational courses students are guided through the process of research as an integral part of the design process. For the master’s capstone project, students participate in a research course in which they design and execute a research agenda and develop a design process for their final project.
Position Description
The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate a background in architectural research and architectural design excellence. Candidates are expected to teach studio, hold lecture classes and
seminars in architectural research, and coordinate research methods courses across the curriculum at both graduate and undergraduate levels. There will be a high level of integration with both studio and other core courses. Applicants will be expected to conduct research and/or creative work within an R1 university setting.
Required qualifications
• An NAAB‐accredited graduate degree in Architecture (e.g., M.Arch).
• Integrated architectural research with design projects (PhD and/or applied research in practice. PhD students expecting to complete their degree by the time the position starts are welcome to apply.).
• Previous studio teaching and/or mentoring experience (with examples).
Preferred qualifications include
• Peer‐reviewed research and/or creative work.
• Awards for teaching and/or design.
Review of applications will begin 1 November 2019; the position, however, remains open until filled.
Qualified applicants must submit
a) A letter of intent including research and teaching interests.
b) Curriculum Vitae.
c) Teaching philosophy (one page).
d) A scholarly/design portfolio including architectural research writing samples (8MB max or a link to a
digital portfolio).
e) Names and contact information of three references (with phone, mail and email addresses).
References will not be contacted prior to receiving the candidate’s consent to contact.
All materials should be uploaded via
Candidates may be asked to provide additional information during the search process.
Please address questions about the search for this position to the Search Committee Chair, Associate Professor Ole Fischer: Questions pertaining specifically to the program may be directed to Chair and Associate Professor Lisa C. Henry:
More information can be found here or at this link.

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