JOB: The Avery Review Editorial Fellow

Job: The Avery Review Editorial Fellow

The Avery Review, a journal of critical essays on architecture published by the Office of Publications at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation, is calling for candidates to apply to be the Avery Review’s 2020 Editorial Fellow. The Editorial Fellow will commission and develop essays based on their interest, will contribute their own essay, and will take part in the Avery Review regular editorial process, including for the annual Essay Prize. They will likely be a recent graduate (or will soon be graduating) from an architectural degree program—but there are no explicit requirements. The Editorial Fellow will receive a stipend.
Should you be interested, please send the Avery Review editors:
– Brief CV (two pages maximum)
– Contact information for two potential references
– A cover letter that discusses your particular editorial interests and topics you might want to pursue
Candidates need not be located in the United States. The Avery Review aspires to broaden the diversity of voices in publishing, to support a wide range of perspectives on what constitutes
architectural thought, and to encourage writers pursuing underexplored ideas. The Avery Review welcome applicants who illuminate architecture’s blind spots, who oppose its many complicities, who resist its production of norms and its participation in spatial violence, and who champion a more open, more equal built environment.
Applications can be emailed to with the subject line “Editorial Fellow” by 2 December 2019.
This announcement can be downloaded here.

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