JOB: Postdoc position. Copenhagen, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

Job: Postdoc position. Copenhagen, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts

Postdocs within the field of Early Modern Architectural History at The Danish National Research Foundation Centre for Privacy Studies in association with the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation
Centre for Privacy Studies (PRIVACY) advertises one or two fully funded postdoc positions within the field of early modern Architectural History in association with The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture.
The position as postdoc will consist of research and, to a minor extent, administrative work.
The tasks will include research within Centre for Privacy Studies in relation to eleven cases in Early Modern Europe. This research will be conducted in interdisciplinary case teams where the postdoc researchers will represent the architectural historical perspective.
The postdocs will have responsibility for a range of duties, which require arrangement and forward planning of research activities, and will show initiative to ensure that the research is conducted in accordance with the project timeline. The postdocs will be expected to plan their own work and the work in the case teams, ensuring that all deadlines are met, and to facilitate effective publication and dissemination of the project outcomes. In addition, the postdocs are to a minor extent expected to teach courses and participate in teaching related to their discipline mainly at KADK.
PRIVACY is dedicated to interdisciplinary and collaborative research into notions of privacy in Early Modern Europe. It focuses on eleven cases from Denmark, England, France, Germany and the Netherlands in the period 1500–1800. The collaborative programme is driven by an interdisciplinary vision of an integrated approach in which a team of scholars collaborate, challenge and inspire each other in a joint pursuit of the legislative, religious, social, cultural and architectural aspects of privacy.
The application with appertaining appendices should be forwarded electronically via the button ‘Søg
stillingen’ at this link.
The application should be in English and must include the following enclosures:
• a motivation letter, including a plan for your employment at Centre for Privacy Studies (1 page)
• CV with documentation of degrees, highlighting experience with interdisciplinary and collaborative research, teaching and language skills
• a complete list of publications, with a commented highlighting of publications that you consider relevant in relation to the research programme of the centre
• a presentation of your plans for your contribution to the PRIVACY research programme, including a
preliminary description of potential source material and proposed methodology as well as a list of the
five PRIVACY cases you are most interested in working on (max 3 pages in all)
• teaching portfolio, portfolio with design works
• three samples of writing (articles or book chapters)
• co-author declarations. If citing work where the applicant has been a co-author, a co-author declaration, which addresses the applicant’s share of these works, must be submitted. Material that has not yet been published can be submitted. However, please indicate the precise status of each
Submit the application no later than 22 March 2020. Applications received after the closing date will not be considered.
The full job description can be downloaded here.

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