CfP: Burn-Out, On planetary exhaustion and alternative public infrastructures. ARDETH #08

Call for Papers: Burn-Out, On planetary exhaustion and alternative public infrastructures. ARDETH #08

The Editorial Board of ARDETH magazine launch its new Call for papers ‘BURN-OUT. On planetary exhaustion and alternative public infrastructures’.
Exhausted. Bodies feel exhausted, from the scales of the individual and social body to that of the planet. Even in the midst of one of the most severe crises experienced globally in recent history, the demands for productivity, relentlessness and attentiveness are not diminishing. Instead, those pressures intensify, while forms of extraction are pervasive.
The contemporary moment should not be taken as an exception. Instead, it should be understood as part of a structural condition and a symptom of the ongoing exploitative structures that are exhausting bodies, bringing them to a systemic burn-out.
This issue of ARDETH explores current conditions and asks if they could be deployed as a catalyst for reimagining and enhancing public life as well as forms of collective organization and action. If burn-out is a state in which bodies, procedures, processes stop working, it could perhaps be considered as a generative point of departure to rethink the role of institutions and infrastructures towards non-exploitative structures and relations.
The full call for papers can be downloaded here or accessed on the journal website.
Submission deadline: 30 July 2020.

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