EVENT: Methodological Colloquium: Writing Model Histories. Online, 12 May 2021

EVENT: Methodological Colloquium: Writing Model Histories. Online, 12 May 2021

Convened by Maxime Zaugg (ETH Zürich), Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete (ETH Zürich) and Prof. Dr. Janina Gosseye (TU Delft) with Guests Prof. Dr. Thea Brejzek (UTS), Prof. Dr. Mari Lending (AHO) and Dr. Matthew Wells (ETH Zürich).
The Writing Model Histories methodological colloquium brings together researchers from the fields of architecture and urban design to explore the performative, participative and political capacities of urban scale models.
The colloquium is open to the public and will take place online on Zoom.  More information can be found here.

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