EVENT: Lecture Series: Recovering Women’s Legacies: Artists, Dealers, Collectors, and Patrons. Online, Wednesdays in June, 12:00 EDT

<h4><strong>Event: Lecture Series: Recovering Women’s Legacies: Artists, Dealers, Collectors, and Patrons. Online, Wednesdays in June, 12:00 EDT</strong></h4>
<h6><strong>The Frick Collection</strong></h6>
This June, the Center for the History of Collecting and The Wildenstein Plattner Institute are hosting a Wednesday lunchtime series spotlighting archival resources on important women who shaped visual culture in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

The first event, titled “Part One: Archives Revealed,” will take place online on <strong>2 June at 12:00 EDT</strong>. Register free of charge <a href=”https://www.frick.org/programs/library/center_for_collecting” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>here</a>. More information about each session can be found <a href=”https://mailchi.mp/frick/choc_womens_legacies_jun_2021″ target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>here</a>.

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