Event: Summer program: Re-enacting Tacit Knowledge: 20th Century Architecture Summer Schools. Rotterdam, 6-17 September 2021
Organised by Hamish Lonergan (ETH Zurich) with Prof. Dr. Tom Avermaete (ETH Zurich), Prof. Dr. Janina Gosseye (TU Delft) and Prof. Dr. Dirk van den Heuvel (TU Delft & HNI)
During the twentieth century, some of the most interesting experiments in architectural education developed outside traditional institutions, within collaborative international summer schools. In 2021, ‘Re-enacting Tacit Knowledge’ will use these seminal summer schools to launch a pedagogical experiment of our own, drawing on the archival holdings and expertise of the Het Nieuwe Instituut. Exploring methods of performance and re-enactment—and their entanglement with queer and feminist theory—we will reflect on the role that tacit knowledge played in summer schools, and in architectural education more broadly.
‘Re-enacting Tacit Knowledge’ is hosted by the Het Nieuwe Instituut (HNI), Rotterdam (NL), as part of the research project ‘TACK / Communities of Tacit Knowledge: Architecture and its ways of Knowing’. Participants will collaborate with the HNI, alongside doctoral students and academics across the network. The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 860413.
Applications for this collaborative summer program are open to students enrolled in masters or doctoral programs in the fields of architecture, urban design, landscape architecture, and related disciplines. To apply, please send a motivation letter (max. 500 words) and sample of either design (max. 3 pages) or written work (max. 1500 words) to tacksummerschool@gmail.com. Applications close 21 June 2021.
There is no fee for participation. Complimentary lunch will be provided each day, and two communal dinners. Participants are responsible for their own travel, accommodation, and all other meals and expenses. For more information, please visit the program website or email Hamish: Lonergan hamish.lonergan@gta.arch.ethz.ch.