PhD Conference: Approaching Research in Architecture


This two-day event, hosted by TU Munich and KTH Stockholm for the second time, takes as its point of departure the growing interest in practice-oriented research in the broadest sense, including expanding modes of work in well-established areas of architectural research such as architectural history and theory or urban and landscape studies. This recent ‘turn to practice’ manifests itself, first and foremost, in the flourishing of empirical and performative approaches and a host of experimental methods and forms of dissemination. The aim of the workshop is to reflect upon the multitude and diversity of current research practices. This event also marks the beginning of a doctoral course on research practices.

International doctoral candidates with an interest in practice-oriented formats in architecture and adjacent fields, who are either already pursuing or approaching a research project, are invited to participate. Proposals may address processes, performances, outcomes, and/or effects of your research. This two-day workshop will take place on ZOOM. Organizers welcome five- minute prerecorded presentations.

Please apply with a short bio (50-100 words) and an abstract that responds to the following five questions. Describe (in no particular order):

  • Your research interest: What do I want to know and why?
  • Knowledge in your field: What is deemed knowledge in my field and in what ways do I expand and/or challenge it?
  • Your precedence: What history do I tell?
  • Relevance and ethics of your interventions: What impacts might my way of doing research have?
  • Paths for learning: How can I/we rethink and reproduce other ways of knowing?

Please send an email including your abstract and bio by 15 September 2021 to 

See the conference poster and website for more information.

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