3rd International Symposium of Design for Living with Water


Between the dates of 18-19 November 2021 “3rd International Symposium of Design for Living with Water”(ISDLW-III) hosted by Beykent University, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture, Department of Interior Architecture, will be held online. Within the scope of this symposium, the relationship between water and design will be discussed in the process from hunting societies to Society 5.0. Design solutions that are thought together with water will be discussed under the themes of sustainability, yacht design, climate change, marine engineering, culture and heritage, floating architecture, future approaches and urban transformations. As designers and engineers of the “climate change generation” it is our responsibility to contribute to the design field by looking at the past, present and future through the relationship of water and life.

Organizers invite paper proposals on behalf of the organizing committee of this symposium, which will bring together important researchers, academics and professionals in their field.

  • Deadline for submission of abstracts (350 words): 3 September 2021 
  • Deadline for full paper submission: 24 September 2021 
  • Symposium languages ​​are Turkish and English. 
  • Abstract / full text applications can be sent to: info@isdlw.org. 

See more information on the symposium website. The full call for papers can be found here.

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