Tenure-Track Position in Architectural History, Theory, & Preservation

United States

University of North Carolina at Charlotte School of Architecture

The School of Architecture (SoA) at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in Architectural History at the rank of Assistant Professor. The school seeks candidates eager to expand the depth and breadth of architectural discourse, and to integrate historical and theoretical practices into design education. Primary objectives for the position include: 1) an ability to teach in the early part of the school’s required three-semester sequence in the history and theory of architecture; 2) an ability to work with SoA faculty to evolve the history curriculum in response to the contemporary reckoning with systemic social injustice and climate crisis; and 3) experience in public history and preservation / heritage conservation. The successful candidate will also be expected to offer advanced
seminars to graduate and upper-level undergraduate students. The school is particularly interested in candidates with expertise in (and innovative approaches to) intersections of race and representation with public history and preservation, as well as candidates eager to engage in the studio culture of the school, so as to broaden our students’ understanding of the socio-cultural dimension of the design process. A PhD in Architectural History or a related discipline is required, and the successful candidate must demonstrate the ability to effectively conduct impactful research and scholarship.

Qualified applicants must complete the online faculty application at https://jobs.uncc.edu (position #004009). Application requirements include: 1) a cover letter; 2) statement on research interests and objectives; 3) statement on pedagogical philosophy and teaching interests; 4) statement on approaches to diversity in research and the classroom; 5) CV including contact information for three references; and 6) two samples of completed research (articles, book chapters, exhibitions, et cetera).

Review of applications will commence 1 December 2021 and will continue until the position is filled. Candidates are encouraged to submit their materials as close to that date as possible, as the steps of the search will proceed quickly. Faculty appointment will commence August 15, 2022. Questions regarding the above position may be directed to Blaine Brownell at bbrownell@uncc.edu. UNC Charlotte is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Affirmative Action Employer (EEO/AA).

More information can be found in the full job description here.

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