Seminar East/South. A session with Simona Gîrleanu and Elidor Mëhilli about architectural exchanges in Central and Eastern Europe


As part of the seminar “Critical History of Arts and Architecture” at the EHESS in Paris, organizers focus this year on a question of art geography: within the space of Central and Eastern Europe, how relevant is a division between a North and a South? How can we define a southern space according to the multiple scales of analysis and to what extent does this space represent a geo-political place or carry a symbolic value?

21 March, Simona Gîrleanu will talk about the Brancovan architecture at the crossroads of different influences at the turn of the 17th century in Wallachia. Elidor Mëhilli will talk about the exchange of urban issues between the North and the South of the socialist bloc in the 20th century.

11 Aprilthe organizers will discuss with Alina Serban curatorial issues: how have southern geographies been dealt with in temporary and permanent exhibitions?

23 May, the group will revisit the definition of the South. Carolyn Guile will talk about the links between Poland-Lithuania and Italy in the modern period and Piotr Rypson about the exchanges between Polish lands and the Caucasus in the 19th century.

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Information about the seminar can be found here.

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