Submission deadline:

September 18, 2022

II International Congress on Colonial and Postcolonial Landscapes: Architecture, Colonialism and War

January 18-20, 2023

Lisbon, 18-20 January 2023 | Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

The infrastructure of the colonial territories obeyed the logic of economic exploitation territorial domain and commercial dynamics among others that left deep marks on the built landscape. The rationales applied to the decisions behind the construction of infrastructures varied according to the historical period, the political model of colonial administration and the international conjuncture.

The congress aims to explore the dynamics of occupation of colonial territory, especially related to the war effort, which involved not only agents related to architecture and urbanism but to the military, and their repercussions in the same territories as independent countries. It will question how issues such as how colonial infrastructure, in this case housing production during armed conflict, have conditioned the current development models of the new countries or what options taken by colonial administrations have been abandoned or otherwise strengthened after independence.

The congress is part of the ongoing research project entitled “Archwar – Dominance and mass-violence through Housing and Architecture during colonial wars. The Portuguese case (Guinea-Bissau, Angola, Mozambique): colonial documentation and post-independence critical assessment” funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology), ref. PTDC/ART-DAQ/0592/2020, in which the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) takes part.


1 – Colonial heritage: wars, nationalisms and identities
2 – Legacies of Wartime Villagization
3 – The City as the (Anti)Structure: Urban space, Violence and Fearscapes
4 – Mapping the Landscape of War/ Resistance and Post-Independence period through Public Art
5 – The Architectures of War in Lusophone Africa and Beyond
6 – Under Golden Suns: Revisiting Late Modernist Typology Experiments
7 – Architecture of Repair
8 – Of other spaces: heterotopias and the strategy of siege
9 – Modernity and the city: norms and forms of urban transition in colonial contexts
10 – By Sword and Cross: Christianizing Missions and Global Empire
11 – Diasporic Imaginations and Alternative Futurities
12 – The role of large construction companies in housing through colonial and postcolonial perspectives
13 – War affairs: the entanglements between architecture and military apparatus in colonial Africa
14 – Nuclear Imperialism and Colonialism

This call is open until 18 September 2022 (deadline extended from 2 September). Please send to

– Title; – Identification of the author(s) with institutional affiliation and e-mail contact; – Abstract (max 300 words); – Short CV of the author(s) (The papers must be submitted in English)

The decision will be communicated on 30 September 2022.

More information can be found here.

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