Application deadline:

November 14, 2022

Assistant Professor in the History of Architecture and the Built Environment

United States

The Department of History of Art at The Ohio State University invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor in the History of Architecture and the Built Environment, with a research focus on race, ethnicity, class, and/or social equity. The temporal and geographic range of the position is open, and we seek a scholar whose research engages the history of how architecture and the built environment have shaped the creation, experience, and enforcement of racialized discourses and systems of power. Potential areas of research include the intersection of architectural projects with nationalism and the state; the use of architectural styles as instruments of ideology; the intersection of architecture and colonialism; the role of architecture in constructing ideas about modernity and history; the history of architecture as a site of resistance; the connections between architecture, public artworks, memorials, and memory; and the role of racialized discourses in architectural theory. We invite applications from scholars whose research encompasses any area of the world, in the modern/contemporary world or in premodernity.

This hire of an Architectural Historian within the History of Art Department is part of a cluster hiring collaboration with the Landscape Architecture section of Ohio State’s Knowlton School of Architecture, which will also be hiring an Assistant Professor under the same research cluster of “Race and the Built Environment: The Just City.” The two hires in History of Art and Landscape Architecture will be supported through mentoring, funding for research and collaboration, connections with other units at the university working on related topics, and extensive mentoring. These hires are part of the university’s RAISE initiative, a broad hiring plan to attract new faculty to the university working on issues of Race, Inclusion, and Social Equity.

Through the Race, Inclusion and Social Equity (RAISE) initiative, Ohio State is enhancing our world-class research program on race, inclusion, and social equity. Over the next decade, the university will add at least 50 tenure-track faculty members to existing scholars whose research can help to narrow social disparities in educational attainment, health outcomes, rates of incarceration, political representation, environmental impacts, and economic well-being. Adding scholars in focused areas will enhance the University’s outstanding faculty and inform solutions to intractable issues. RAISE is part of Ohio State’s larger initiative to expand the size and impact of Ohio State’s faculty over the coming decade, while also enhancing academic and personal resources to support Ohio State scholars, educators, and practitioners through all phases of their careers. The Department of History of Art at The Ohio State University is an inclusive community of scholars who seek to advance new research and methodologies in the field, to inspire our students to think critically and creatively about the role of the visual in mediating cultural and political histories, and to engage diverse publics through outreach and curatorial work. All faculty work closely with students in both the BA and the MA/PhD programs. The Department of History of Art is located in historic Pomerene Hall, a beautifully renovated building on Ohio State’s main campus with ample space for our instructors and students to work and collaborate.

Apply to Academic Jobs Online here. A complete application consists of a cover letter addressing your research and teaching agenda, a curriculum vitae, a diversity statement, a writing sample, and three letters of reference. The diversity statement should articulate your demonstrated commitments and capacities to contribute to diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, mentoring, and/or outreach and engagement. Review of applications will begin on 15 November 2022 and will continue until the position is filled. Inquiries may be directed to the search committee chair, Professor Jody Patterson, at

More information can be found here.

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