eden-eden. Renato Rizzi

December 17, 2022- March 3, 2023

On the occasion of the awarding of the 2017 Italian President of the Republic Prize for Architecture assigned to Renato Rizzi (Rovereto, 1951), the Accademia
Nazionale di San Luca in Rome presents from 17 December 2022 to 3 March 2023 in the exhibit halls on the ground floor of Palazzo Carpegna the exhibition “eden-eden. Renato Rizzi” in conjunction with the exhibition “CANOVA. The Last Prince.”

The exhibition presents about two hundred gypsum models related to thirty projects by Renato Rizzi. They are a precious document of the architect’s creative trajectory and, at the same time, a reliable portrait of an emblematic artist, in constant evolution outside of the usual logic of the so-called “contemporary” architecture, in Rizzi’s doctrine, is concrete fabrication hinged on the awareness of the inescapability of theoretical principles that cannot, however, be fixed once and for all and with an absolute value. This formidable creative tension can be clearly traced in the models exhibited here which, all together,
constitute a journey of an exciting discovery. (Claudio Strinati, from the guide to the exhibition).

More information can be found via prenotazioni@accademiasanluca.it and here.

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