Submission deadline:

March 1, 2023

Environmental Design Archives Research Fellowships

United States

The Environmental Design Archives (EDA) is pleased to offer two short-term research fellowships to support scholars conducting interdisciplinary and innovative research on-site at the EDA, located in Berkeley, California.

Committed to raising awareness of the significant architectural and landscape heritage of Northern California and beyond, the Environmental Design Archives collects, preserves, and provides access to primary records of its built environment. Its collections represent more than 200 of the San Francisco Bay Region’s most historically significant architects, landscape architects, and urban planners.

The two fellowships, the Waverly B. Lowell Fellowship and the Alice Ross Carey Fellowship, will each provide stipends of up to $5,000 to support travel to Berkeley to conduct research using the collections of the Environmental Design Archives. Fellowship recipients are expected to spend significant time researching within the collections.

Fellowship applicants are strongly encouraged to discuss research intent with the EDA curator prior to submission to determine how EDA collections can support research needs. Send a brief project description to for a consultation.


The Alice Ross Carey Fellowship is open to doctoral students and emerging scholars in any related discipline. Students must be registered in an accredited graduate program and currently engaged in dissertation research. Other applicants may be academic or independent scholars.

The Waverly B. Lowell Fellowship is open to mid-career and senior scholars. Applicants may be academic or independent scholars.

All application materials, with the exception of the recommendation letters, should be assembled into a single PDF file and sent to by 5:00pm PST on 1 March 2023.

For Carey Fellowship only: letters of recommendation should be sent directly from the recommender to with “Recommendation for [your name]” as the subject line by 5:00pm PST on March 15, 2023.

More information can be found here.

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