Submission deadline:

April 30, 2024

The European Prize of Architecture Philippe Rotthier

In 2024, the European Prize of Architecture Philippe Rotthier will reward architectural projects, urban and rural developments completed in the last five years that promote architecture in harmony with nature, that value local identity, history and craftsmanship through the judicious use of common-sense principles, natural materials and long-lasting construction techniques. The prize is open to builders, architects, craftsmen and urbanists. “Vernacular architecture respects the genius of its milieu, uses natural, local materials and is built
by the hands of craftsmen following age-old traditions.» Philippe Rotthier, juin 202

The international jury under the presidency of Maurice Culot will be particularly attentive to projects that:
– Are locally based and are not interchangeable
– Seek to integrate rural and urban contexts and to avoid dislocation and provocation
– Make maximum possible use of natural materials and traditional and ecological methods
– Take into account local practices and customs
– Generate public spaces recognisable by all (streets, paths, avenues, squares, etc.)
– Favour a mixity of activities and limited mechanical circulation
– Reject social segregation in favour of mixed use buildings in which social housing is imperceptibly integrated
– Use land economically and the countryside sparingly

An amount of 40 000 euros, possibly split between several entries, is being made available to the jury by the prize founder, Philippe Rotthier.

To apply for the European Architecture Prize Philippe Rotthier 2024, you have to fill a form online ( and send your application before the 30th of April 2024 to La Table Ronde de l’Architecture asbl, for the attention of Nadia Everard, 13 Sint Annarei 8000, Bruges, Belgium and by email:

The application file should be A3 format, 20 pages maximum (single slided) and should include all documents of use in understanding the work (elevations, plans, sections, construction details, colourphotographs before and after) as well  as contact details of the natural person or corporate entity submitting the entry file, the names of the authors of the project (craftmen, architects, urbanists, builders, developers, etc). Works entered for the prize must have been built within the last five years. Texts must be in French or English.

The files and documents sent will not be returned. Candidates cede their rights to reproduction and communication of their documents to the Philippe Rotthier Foundation for Architecture.

Organiser – La Table Ronde de l’Architecture asbl
13 Sint Annarei, 8000 Bruges, Belgium
Fonds pour l’architecture asbl & Fondation Philippe Rotthier pour l’Architecture
Rue de l’Ermitage 55 Kluisstraat, 1050 Brussels, Belgium

More information can be found here.

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