Past Events
Biennial Conferences
Madrid 2022
Seventh International Meeting
School of Architecture of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
15-18 June 2022
Conference Chair
- Ana Esteban-Maluenda, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Edinburgh 2021
Sixth International Meeting
the University of Edinburgh, UK
Conference Chairs
- Richard Williams
- Richard Anderson
Dublin 2016
The fourth international meeting
Dublin cASTLE Ireland
2-4 June 2016
Conference Chair
- Kathleen James-Chakraborty
Turin 2014
Third International Meeting
Turin, Italy
june 2014
Conference Chair
- Michela Rosso
Brussels 2012
Second International Meeting
31 May – 3 June 2012
Conference Chair
- Hilde Heynen
Guimarães 2010
The first EAHN conference
17-20 June 2010
Conference Chair
- Jorge Correia
Thematic conferences
Reykjavik 2023
Reykjavik, Iceland
11–13 October 2023
The effects of the anthropogenic climate crisis has compelled a resurgence of scholarship about the often fraught relationship between the built and the natural environment. The conference will be chaired by MoMA’s Ambasz Institute and Listaháskóli Íslands (Iceland University of the Arts).
Helsinki 2023
Helsinki, Finland
7–9 June 2023
The ongoing war in Ukraine has made it clear that there is a need to re-evaluate and retune ourselves towards the practices of colonialism, empire-building, and centre-periphery relations, and to ask questions about national identity and built heritage in Eastern Europe and Northern Eurasia, including the histories of Soviet and Russian architecture and the built environment at large.
Koya 2023
Koya, Kurdistan Region, Iraq
20-21 February 2023
While the world mourns the destruction of the widely known Iraqi archaeological and heritage sites of Nimrud, Hatra, Sinjar and the old town of Mosul caused by the ISIS invasion in 2014-2017, other Iraqi archaeological and heritage sites in much safer zones were and still are underestimated and exposed to silent death via ongoing neglect and unchecked deterioration with a very limited capacity to safeguard them like in the case of Koya’s old town which reached its zenith during the Ottoman reign.
Tirana 2021
History in Transition: Critical Interventions in Changing Environments
Tirana, Albania
8-10 July 2021
Exploring heritage and preservation during periods of major transformations, Heritage in Transition is hosted by Polis University in Tirana, Albania.
Ankara 2021
Ankara, Turkey
30 September – 2 October 2021
Pondering the concept of Endurance in architectural historiography, this conference is hosted by the Middle East Technical University.
Rennes 2021
Transgression – A New Paradigm?
Rennes, France
17-21 November 2021
Reconsidering the act of transgression as a rising paradigm, this themed conference is hosted by ENSA Bretagne (Rennes).
Sydney 2019
Distance Looks Back
University of Sydney
10-13 July 2019
Jointly organised with the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ).
Chairs: Andrew Leach and Lee Stickells
London 2019
Building-Object/Design-Architecture: Exploring Interconnections
Clore Business School, Birkbeck College, London, United Kingdom
6-8 June 2019
Jointly organised with the Design History Society and the Architecture Space and Society Centre (Birkbeck).
Chairs: Mark Crinson, Charlotte Ashby
Brussels 2019
Displacement and Domesticity since 1945. Refugees, migrants and expats making homes
Palace of the Academies, Brussels, Belgium
28-29 March 2019
Conference Chairs
Hilde Heynen, Alessandra Gola, Anamica Singh, Ashika Singh
Delft 2017
TU Delft and Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, The Netherlands
22 – 24 November 2017
Chairs: Tom Avermaete, Merlijn Hurx
Jerusalem 2017
Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem
June 13-15 2017
Chairs: Alona Nitzan-Shiftan, Panayiota Pyla
Edinburgh 2011
Post War Housing
Edinburgh College of Art, Scotland
September 2011.
Jointly organised with Docomomo Scotland
Chairs: Miles Glendinning, Carmen Popescu