News from the field

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gta edition, volume 3

gta edition is a peer-reviewed series of short monographs that take a fresh and provocative look at seemingly well-known aspects of architectural theory, thus engaging in contemporary historiography and the production of theory in architecture.

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Renaissance Conference

These conferences offer young scholars the occasion to explore and discuss their different research methods and lines of inquiry, and give a comprehensive view of the many different emerging research approaches to architectural history and to the analysis of the relations between architecture and the other visual arts in the Renaissance.

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Document Fever: Encounters with the architecture of the *colonial architecture archive

This symposium adds to the work on *colonial networks of planning consultants since the 2000s and specifically to the work from critical studies and the social sciences developed in the 2010s on *colonial exchanges between Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, US, UK, Nigeria, South Africa, Singapore, The Philippines, Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Ghana, Germany, Poland, Romania, and Belgium.

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