News from the field

Find out what’s happening in the world of architectural history – including conferences, exhibitions, seminars, employment and news about recent publications. We welcome contributions. Please send items to be posted here to To join, just sign up.

Architect’s Books

The editors welcome contributions that examine the complex relationship between architects and books, whether printed or manuscripts, including, but not limited to, books written or edited by architects, those that have influenced their written and built work, architects’ libraries, architects’ collections in libraries, and any topic related to books and architecture.

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Vesper No. 9 The Adversary

Countless projects arise from contrasts, the latter can even lead to getting lost in an obsessive clash, as well as being useful in clarifying not only positions but also possibilities, sometimes to assert new habitability of spaces one needs to change direction, to change the way.

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Noetics Without a Mind

The book project Noetics without a Mind seeks contributions that engage with sense-making processes in the individuation of humans, technologies, and their affective environments.

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