Online Course: Cultural Heritage in Transformation. RWTH Aachen University In recent decades, the sustainable conservation of cultural heritage has become a crucial global challenge. The Faculty of Architecture of RWTH Aachen University has amassed its expertise in...
News from the field
Find out what’s happening in the world of architectural history – including conferences, exhibitions, seminars, employment and news about recent publications. We welcome contributions. Please send items to be posted here to
RESOURCE: The Biographical Dictionary of Greater Manchester Architects, 1800-1940
Resource: The Biographical Dictionary of Greater Manchester Architects, 1800-1940 Created under the auspices of the Manchester Group of the Victorian Society to mark its jubilee, Manchestr Victorian Architects (DGMA) ia a database providing biographical information...
Course: Summer Programs: The Art Historical Image In The Digital Age. Rome, 1-12 July 2019
Course: Summer Programs: The Art Historical Image In The Digital Age. Rome, 1-12 July 2019 The American Academy in Rome The Art Historical Image in the Digital Age at the American Academy in Rome is a ten-day, intensive course designed to equip scholars of art from...
RESOURCES: Beta version of Bloomsbury Architecture Library – Now available
Resources: Beta version of Bloomsbury Architecture Library – Now available The beta version of the new digital platform Bloomsbury Architecture Library is now available for institutional trials. Bloomsbury Architecture Library offers access to a carefully curated...
Getty Research Institute relaunched the Getty Research Portal
The free research tool celebrates its fourth anniversary with new search and share features, responsive design, and access to more than 100,000 art history volumes. The Getty Research Institute (GRI) launched an updated version of its research tool,...
Guided tour of the Eileen Gray Exhibition
Guided tour of the Eileen Gray Exhibition on Saturday July, 4th at 3pm, National Museum, Collins Barracks The number of places is limited, so please contact Sabine von Fischer...
Resource: SPACES Archives – Digital Resource on Art Environments/Vernacular Architecture
SPACES (Saving and Preserving Arts and Cultural Environments: is a California-based non-profit archive established in 1978 to identify, document, and advocate for the preservation of large-scale art environments, and self-taught art. SPACES...
ANN: Historians of German, Scandinavian, and Central European Art Essay Prize (20 December 2015)
Fourth annual HGSCEA Essay Prize Deadline: December 20, 2015 Submissions are now being accepted for the fourth annual HGSCEA (Historians of German, Scandinavian, and Central European Art) Emerging Scholars Publication Prize, an award of $500 given to the author of a...
Postdoctoral Fellowship, IKKM Weimar
Junior-Fellowship für PostdoktorandInnen (6 Monate) am IKKM Weimar Das Internationale Kolleg für Kulturtechnikforschung und Medienphilosophie (IKKM) der Bauhaus-Universität Weimar vergibt zum 1. Oktober 2015 ein Junior-Fellowship für PostdoktorandInnen. Das Fellowship...
Online Exhibition: Visualizing the Invisible in Michelangelo's Drawings at Casa Buonarroti
Visualizing the Invisible in Michelangelo's Drawings at Casa Buonarroti An online exhibition by the Photo Library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut Curated by Costanza Caraffa and Mauro Mussolin Online since 17.11.2014 Visualizing the...
New resource: Architektenlexikon Wien 1770 – 1945
The "Architektenlexikon Wien 1770 - 1945" is the first online encyclopaedia listing those architects, planners and theorists who have contributed to Vienna's cityscape since the 18th century until today. Including biographical, aesthetic, theoretical, historical and...