News from the field

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Listening In: Conversations on Architectures, Cities  and Landscapes 1700-1900

Listening In: Conversations on Architectures, Cities  and Landscapes 1700-1900

This conference is envisaged as a listening exercise. The organizers regard a conversation as both codified practice as well as a specific act of verbal exchange, spoken or written, on a particular subject – here architectures, cities, and landscapes – occurring in a specific site, from street to salon, kitchen to court, construction site to theatre, field to church, or book to newspaper, to name but a few.

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Vitruvio vol. 8 iss. 2: Digitalization processes for the built environment

The editors are seeking contributions that investigate informative and computational modelling, as well as theories, methods, and technologies for the coordination and control of design, construction, transformation, and maintenance of buildings and infrastructures, as well as related product and process innovation for the improvement of economic, social, and environmental sustainability in the construction and infrastructure sector.

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Vesper No. 10 Progetto Eden | Eden Project

Vesper No. 10 Progetto Eden | Eden Project

Following the tradition of Italian paper journals, Vesper revives it by hosting a wide spectrum of narratives, welcoming
different writings and styles, privileging the visual intelligence of design, of graphic expression, of images and
contaminations between different languages.

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