News from the field

Find out what’s happening in the world of architectural history – including conferences, exhibitions, seminars, employment and news about recent publications. We welcome contributions. Please send items to be posted here to To be included in our monthly newsletter, please send submissions prior to the 28th of each month. To join, just sign up

SAHGB MA Scholarship

Recognising that partial support often excludes those from non-traditional backgrounds for postgraduate study in the humanities, the SAHGB is offering a £20,000 bursary to one candidate. 

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SAHGB Dissertation Prize

The Dissertation Prize is framed to encourage innovative and critical thinking in and around the subject, either by the pursuit of new kinds and categories of knowledge or else by reassessing and rewriting topics that are already an accepted part of the field.

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The relation between the garden and the house

The aim of the conference series is to compare the uses, practices and techniques applied in the gardens of Europe and East Asia. With the fourth edition of the conference series we extend the discourse to the Islamic cultural sphere. Alongside a certain form of universality in the function of the garden (pleasure, display of power, ceremonial, reclusion but also production), the scholars are questioning, from one continent to another, the extraordinary diversity of the elements that make up a garden, of the forms and devices that implement it and of the representations that express its nature.

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FACES 83 + 84 / Light and Heavy

The next issues of FACES will focus on lightness vs. heaviness, two notions that often have an antonymic and antinomic relationship, signalling the opposition of two conceptual and practical propositions between which architects must in principle choose,
based on their location, culture, and building tradition and in accordance with their aesthetic, technical, economic, political, and ethical convictions.

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Materia Arquitectura N°25: Out of Place Matter

This issue of Materia Arquitectura seeks contributions that explore these new conditions in the context of environmental degradation. It calls for research and design projects, both speculative and realized, that reformulate our relationship to the design of public spaces, environmental management systems, and our active role as citizens and professional custodians of the landscapes we inhabit.

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