News from the field

Find out what’s happening in the world of architectural history – including conferences, exhibitions, seminars, employment and news about recent publications. We welcome contributions. Please send items to be posted here to To be included in our monthly newsletter, please send submissions prior to the 28th of each month. To join, just sign up

Manual of Therapeutic Architecture

The Manual of Therapeutic Architecture aims to: elaborate a history of using architecture as a therapeutic tool in health crises; evaluate the characteristics of spatial solutions; establish a reference for any other form of distancing that a future epidemic will make inevitable.

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Bruno Zevi Prize 2022

The Bruno Zevi Foundation annually holds an international competition to award a prize for a historical-critical essay offering an original analysis of an architectural work, theme or architect of the past or present.

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Ardeth #11 – KEY WORDS

This call for papers seeks to bring together contributions from the various disciplines involved in architectural design, with the aim of instigating an open discussion on the theme of key words through different kinds of experience and research.

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UAAC-AAUC Conference 2022

This session welcomes paper presentations from all periods and latitudes, including those recent experiences under COVID-19 pandemic circumstances, which have dealt with hybrid practices of analogue and digital methodologies.

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